
Will school return?

After months of asking the question, “will school return”, the day finally arrived. Cobb county announced what’s going to happen with school. People had been contemplating on what safety measures were going to be put into place in order for school to be a safer place. So it was surprising when they announced that you had to go to school or do online school. It just seemed like they could care less about the actual children who were going to be at school. Over the past few months the coronavirus numbers have gone up like nobody’s business. If people end up going to school it seems like the most likely outcome will be coronavirus cases skyrocketing once again. There seems to be a level of ignorance that Cobb county is projecting. Have they even been paying attention to America over the last couple of days? How will this affect kids in poorer communities? It seems like the commissioners think that the county is only made up of rich white kids.

So what will this mean for the safety of schools in the future. Like I mentioned, there are not going to be many safety measures taking place. There are about 3,841confirmed coronavirus cases and 229 deaths , and yet the county acts like there is nothing to fear. We can all agree that one of the most effective things that you could do to prevent the spread of the virus, is to social distance and to wear a mask. The main reason that the county doesn’t want to make masks absolutely necessary, is because president trump has somehow managed to make masks a political statement. It seriously astounds me that trying to stop the spread of a deadly virus is somehow making a political statement. Not making masks necessary at schools is only going to put more lives in danger. 

If you are a kid in Cobb County who doesn’t have access to devices, you are basically screwed. In other county’s, they have given kids without access to devices the option to loan out a device for online school. But in Cobb county, if you don’t have online access, your only option is to attend  regular school. It seems like the county could care less.

School starts in about 6 weeks. I really hope that this coronavirus situation will have mellowed down by then. Parents and students have a tough decision to make.

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